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2024-05-03 阅读
本文摘要:译文仅供参考,汉英对照,对应英文在下 苹果在周一的尤其发布会上藏了一手。

译文仅供参考,汉英对照,对应英文在下 苹果在周一的尤其发布会上藏了一手。不,我说道的不是Apple Watch。Apple had a trick up its sleeve during Monday’s special event. And no, it wasn’t the Apple Watch.公司发售了一款新的笔记本电脑,名字就是非常简单的MacBook。它看上去更加看起来一款瘦身版的MacBook Air。

你要回答它有多轻巧?它的机身最厚处仅有13.1毫米,重量只有2.03磅。当你夹住放到它上面感觉时,你不会不由得赞叹它太小了,小得令人难以置信。The company announced a new laptop, which it calls simply MacBook, that looks more like a MacBook Air that went on a diet. How slim, you ask? It measures just 13.1 millimeters at its thickest point, and weighs in at a mere 2.03 pounds. And then you put your hands on it and realize. Gosh, it’s small. Incredibly small. Unbelievably small.在追踪发布会的动态博客文章中,我多次重复了一个类似于的短语。当极大的黑色展示台上只有这一款设备时,你很更容易注意到它的大小。

这是另一款转入苹果展示区,以金色、银色和深空灰色示人的产品,请求一再想象这个场景吧。I repeated a similar phrase during the keynote that introduced it, which I live-blogged for this very publication. It’s easy to think dwell on size when the device is the sole item on a sweeping black stage. It’s another thing to walk into Apple’s demo area, lay your eyes on the gold, silver, and grey varieties, and think the same thing all over again.苹果新的发售的MacBook显然是一款全新产品,无论是机内部件,还是外观,这款笔记本都可谓完全革新之作。

它没任何形式的风扇,依赖低能效的英特尔Core M处理器来维持低温和缩短电池时间,苹果声称,其续航能力需要持续一整天时间。屏幕是所谓的高分辨率视网膜屏,对角线长度为12英寸,使得其尺寸介于11英寸和13英寸的MacBook Air之间。

而它的与众不同之处在于:在这样小的尺寸下,屏幕的分辨率却低约2304*1440。Apple’s new MacBook is indeed all-new, and it’s a complete overhaul of the device, from components on out. It lacks fans of any sort and relies on an energy-efficient Intel Core M processor to keep it cool and prolong battery life, which Apple claims lasts an entire day. Its screen, the so-called high-resolution Retina display, measures 12 inches on the diagonal, situating the new laptop in between Apple’s two models of MacBook Air, at 11 inches and 13 inches. The difference: That Retina display packs 2304 pixels across by 1440 pixels down into that diminutive picture.键盘上的每个按键都产生了新的“蝴蝶效应”,可谓了MacBook的独有输出体验。在我亲身体验这款新产品时,回应感觉极为不习惯。并不是按键无法松开,也不是键盘布局差劲。


我就归属于后者。Each key features a new “butterfly mechanism” that provides for a unique typing experience. It’s one that I struggled with during my hands-on time with the new MacBook. It’s not that the keys are hard to press, or even awkwardly placed. If anything, the keys are almost too easy to press. A touch-typist will fall in love with it after just a few minutes of tapping away. Others will take long to adjust to a keyboard that stretches to the very edges of the MacBook’s housing. I’m in the latter camp.MacBook的新触控板使用了与Apple Watch一样的“Force Touch”技术。把营销因素充满著,你不会找到无论用于多大的力道松开触控板时,它都会移动。

(好吧,这种设计有一定道理,但小心别把桌上的东西推下去了。)这种固定性可以让它区分松开的力度,并以此已完成有所不同的任务。比如说,将鼠标指针横过文件夹图标,触控板的Force Touching技术就不会启动较慢预览功能。

看见电子邮件里的地址了吗?用于Force Touch功能,苹果地图的对话框就不会插入,并能表明它的具体位置。A new trackpad offers the same “Force Touch” technology found in the Apple Watch. Push past the marketing and you’ll find a trackpad that doesn’t move when pressed, no matter how hard you do so. (Well, within reason—don’t shove the thing off a table.) Its immobility allows it to differentiate between amounts of pressure, and by extension, intent to accomplish different tasks. For example, moving the mouse pointer over a file icon and Force Touching on the trackpad prompts Quick Preview to open. See an address in an e-mail? Force Touch on it and a dialogue box with Apple Maps appears to reveal its exact location.类似于的捷径在升级后的Mac OS X系统中随处可见。你可以在系统设置偏爱中调整压力程度。在旧金山的芳草地艺术中心会场,我中举了各种方法,但依然无法坚信新款MacBook的触控板几乎没移动。

苹果工作人员向我确保它的确会一动。铝制触控板底部的“Taptic Engine”震动期望,让用户感觉它或许在太空旅行一般。

这让我印象深刻印象——也有些困惑。Similar shortcuts are present throughout the updated Mac OS X operating system. You can adjust the degree of pressure in the System Preferences area. And try as I might on the floor of the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco, I still couldn’t believe that the new MacBook’s trackpad wasn’t actually moving. Apple assured me it’s not. The “Taptic Engine” underneath the aluminum pad leaves the user with the impression that it’s traveling in space. Color me impressed—or confused.新款Macbook的模块很少。



通过这一个模块,你可以给MacBook电池,传输内容,或是将其与外接显示器相连。There is a notable lack of ports on the new MacBook. In fact, there’s only one. (Well, two if you want to make the argument a headphone-jack is a port.) On its left flank is a USB Type-C port. Think of it as the more capable, younger sibling of the Lightning adapter on your iOS device. Through this single port you can charge the MacBook, transfer content, and connect it to an external monitor.这个模块享有类似于瑞士军刀的多种功能,尽管最少从现在来看,外接显示器还必须一系列转接器。


It’s the Swiss Army Knife of connectors, though for now at least, external monitor functionality will require a series of adapters. Why? USB Type-C is a new standard—one that most accessory manufacturers have yet to fully commit to, let alone release products with it incorporated. So for now, adapters will be a necessity for MacBook owners.作为一个主要用iPad工作的人,我会责怪模块较少。对我来说,转接器就是生活的一部分,我可以拒绝接受,但并不是每个人都这样。苹果的极简派风格将不会冲击我们对台式机和笔记本电脑的观点。我在现场告知了几名观众,想到他们怎么看来这款笔记本。


As someone who works primarily from an iPad, I can’t complain about the lack of ports. For me, adapters are a way of life and something I’ve come to accept. But that’s not for everyone, and Apple’s minimalism will be a break in how we’ve come to think about the desktop/laptop computer. I asked several attendees at the Apple event what they thought about this issue; reactions ranged from excited to discouraged. (The concerns of the latter group: what’s the point of ultraportability if I need to carry around a bunch of adapters? Fair point.) That Apple’s adapters are priced as high as $79 won’t help.但走来看这款新的MacBook。它的英特尔Core M处理器的频率分别是1.1GHz和1.2GHz,这样的低频让人有些忧虑。

意外的是,我未能在苹果的展示区之外对这两种型号展开原始测试,所以我无法对它们的整体性能公开发表评论。我能说道的就是,在用于新款MacBook观赏视频、网页照片库、已完成其他各种各样的任务的受限时间内,我感觉比较低频的处理器未显著影响到机器的性能。But back to the new MacBook. Its Intel M Core processors clock in at a lowly 1.1GHz and 1.2GHz respectively, which is cause for concern. I wasn’t able to fully test either version outside of Apple’s demo area, unfortunately, so I can’t comment on their overall performance. I can say that during the limited time I used the new MacBook—to watch videos, browse through a Photos library, and accomplish other miscellaneous tasks—I was left with the impression that comparatively slow processors wouldn’t adversely impact performance too much.但那不是重点。

苹果的新款MacBook光看大小,就早已很不具革新性了。从这个角度来考虑到,新款MacBook只比我的iPad特外接键盘轻一点点(却厚得多),但毕竟一台需要创立内容的功能完善的设备。But that’s not the real point. Apple’s new MacBook is transformative based on its size alone. To put it into perspective, the new MacBook is only slightly heavier (and far thinner) than my iPad-plus-keyboard setup, but it’s a full-fledged content creation device.这让我,也许还有其他许多人,收到疑惑:笔记本电脑、平板电脑,现在是什么?(财富中文网)Which has me, and I suspect many other people, wondering: Laptop. Tablet.。



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