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2024-10-06 阅读
本文摘要:Rare white rainbow lights up the North Pole.少见白色彩虹伟现北极。

Rare white rainbow lights up the North Pole.少见白色彩虹伟现北极。This is the amazing moment a white rainbow streaks across the Arctic sky.这意味著是难以置信的一刻:白色彩虹跨越北极海面。

The rare phenomena, named a fog bow, was spotted by Sam Dobson during a recent expedition to the North Pole.这一少见的自然现象叫作雾虹,是由山姆-杜布森在最近的一次北极探险中摄制到的。As their ice breaking ship cruised through the chilly waters, Sam clocked the arching rainbow but was stunned to see it was completely white.山姆所搭乘的破冰船在严寒的冰川中航行时,山姆被眼前的弧形彩虹给大吃一惊了,因为这是一条纯白色的彩虹。A fog bow is a similar phenomenon to a rainbow, but it appears as an arch in fog rather than rain. And because of the very small size of water droplets that cause fog, smaller than 0.05 millimetres, it appears as a white arc, rather than a multi-coloured one.雾虹和彩虹是互为类似于的自然现象,只不过雾虹是在雾中构成而非在雨中,而且由于水滴的大小严重不足0.05毫米,从而构成雾气,可谓了这轮白色彩虹,而不是少见的七色彩虹。



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