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2024-10-04 阅读
本文摘要:Chinese telecoms group Huawei would invest more in Europe if it were treated like a European company by regulators, according to its chief executive.华为(Huawei)首席执行官回应,如果监管机构能像对待欧洲企业那样对待华为的话,这家中国电信设备供应商不会在欧洲作出更加多投资。

Chinese telecoms group Huawei would invest more in Europe if it were treated like a European company by regulators, according to its chief executive.华为(Huawei)首席执行官回应,如果监管机构能像对待欧洲企业那样对待华为的话,这家中国电信设备供应商不会在欧洲作出更加多投资。Guo Ping, the deputy chairman and one of three executives who helm the company on a rotating basis, said that an anti-dumping investigation by the European Commission into Huawei and Chinese handset maker ZTE had made the group “uncomfortable” and “feel very uncertain”.华为副董事长、3位轮值CEO之一郭平回应,欧盟委员会(European Commission)对华为以及中国手机制造商中兴通讯(ZTE)进行的反倾销调查,使该集团“不难受”,“感觉很不确认”。Huawei has invested heavily in Europe over the past decade and employs 9,900 people across the continent, including 1,200 in research and development.过去十年,华为在欧洲乘机投资,在整个欧洲大陆雇用了9900名员工,其中研发方面有1200人。“We are here not to see Europe as a market,” said Mr Guo. “We want to do RD here. We want to do our procurement here. We want to become a European company.”“我们在这里并不是把欧洲视作一个市场,”郭平称之为,“我们期望在这里展开研发。


”He said that this investment could be stepped up if the company received fairer treatment from regulators.他称之为,如果监管机构能更加公平地对待华为的话,该公司将增大投资。“If we can be given a fair opportunity to participate like other European companies, that would be an encouragement to us,” he said.“如果我们能获得一个公平的机会,像其他欧洲企业一样参予市场的话,那不会希望我们,”他称之为。Last year, the European Commission dropped a long-running complaint against Huawei and ZTE, over claims they were flooding the European market with underpriced goods. “The process was very uncomfortable; it made us feel very uncertain,” said Mr Guo.去年,欧盟委员会退出了一宗针对华为和中兴的持续已幸的受理,受理内容是这两家公司在欧洲市场低价定价偏高的商品。“这个过程让人感觉十分不难受;它让我们感觉很不确认,”郭平称之为。

The EU faces increasing scrutiny over the way that it treats non-European companies. This year, US President Barack Obama accused European regulators of protectionism for the way they were treating Silicon Valley groups.欧盟在对待非欧洲企业的方式上于是以受到更加多的注目。今年,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(Barack Obama)谴责欧洲监管机构对待硅谷集团的方式在本质上是保护主义。Huawei itself has faced persistent criticism from US diplomats and trade officials, who claim it has close links with the Chinese government — which Huawei denies — and poses a security risk.华为本身面对着美国外交人士及贸易官员持续大大的谴责,后者声称华为与中国政府关系密切(华为回应不予坚称),包含安全性风险。Mr Guo said: “There is concern about network security in the US. That is understandable. But that needs to be dealt with together by suppliers, customers and the government.”郭平称之为:“美国对网络安全不存在忧虑。




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