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应用程序火爆 做自己的"愤怒的小鸟"“尊龙凯时网站”
2024-04-17 阅读
本文摘要:Do-it-yourself apps自己做到的应用程序Make your own Angry Birds做到自己的气愤的小鸟Homebrew apps have arrived私人制作的软件早已到来LAST year Eddie the pig took Chile by storm. The iPhone game ePig Dash, featuring Eddie, dislodged Angry Birds to become the number-one paid game on the Chilean App Store. By itself, the story of a cute, if flatulent, pig pushing a bunch of irate birds off the top spot is nothing unusual. What is odd is that the creator of ePig Dash, a conjuror and economics teacher, knew little or nothing about programming. Instead he used GameSalad, a do-it-yourself tool for app-makers.去年,小猪爱迪(Eddie the pig)在智利风行。

Do-it-yourself apps自己做到的应用程序Make your own Angry Birds做到自己的气愤的小鸟Homebrew apps have arrived私人制作的软件早已到来LAST year Eddie the pig took Chile by storm. The iPhone game ePig Dash, featuring Eddie, dislodged Angry Birds to become the number-one paid game on the Chilean App Store. By itself, the story of a cute, if flatulent, pig pushing a bunch of irate birds off the top spot is nothing unusual. What is odd is that the creator of ePig Dash, a conjuror and economics teacher, knew little or nothing about programming. Instead he used GameSalad, a do-it-yourself tool for app-makers.去年,小猪爱迪(Eddie the pig)在智利风行。打败气愤的小鸟后,以爱迪(Eddie)为主角的iphone游戏ePig Dash沦为智利苹果应用于榜上名列第一的收费游戏。就游戏本身而言,它没什么不奇怪:以甜美角色为主角,小猪胀气后,将把一群气愤的小鸟跳下覆以座。奇怪的是ePig Dash的作者是一名魔术师兼任经济学教师,他对编程堪称知之甚少,甚至一无所知。

但是他用于了一款可以让程序作者自己动手做应用于的工具GameSalad。DIY is hot. In May Research in Motion, the maker of the BlackBerry, unveiled a kit that allows people with no programming skills to create a working app within minutes. Apple, too, has applied for a patent indicating it is also building a DIY tool for iOS, its mobile operating system. And in March the Massachusetts Institute of Technology released a beta version of App Inventor, which allows even simpletons to make apps for Android phones.自己动手做(DIY)很风行。

五月份,黑莓的制造商RIM(Research in Motion)公司就公布了一套容许仅有无编程经验的人在数分钟内建构出能长时间运营的应用于的工具。苹果公司申请人的一项版权某种程度指出它在修建一款自家的iOS平台上用的DIY工具。在三月,麻省理工学院也公布了一套正式版的应用于建构器。

它能以傻瓜式的方式建构安卓手机应用于。Several start-ups already offer DIY app services. Conduit, a firm which was valued at $1.3 billion after J.P. Morgan acquired a 7% stake for $100m earlier this year, allows people to build mobile apps themselves with a simple graphical interface. AppMakr, a similar service, has helped to create some 10,000 apps. Users include individuals, small businesses and the Harvard Business Review. AppMakr also offers its users help in bringing apps up to standard before submitting them to Apples picky App Store. Other services publish to Android and Windows, or bypass Apple altogether by creating web apps.有一批新的正式成立的公司早已获取自己动手做应用于的服务了。今年早些时候,摩根大通以1亿美元价格并购Conduit 7%的股权后,该公司的价值赶往13亿。


在用户要将应用于递交给老实的苹果在线商店前,AppMakr也可协助用户提升应用软件的水平,使其符合标准。其他服务公司则公布安卓和Windows平台的应用程序,或者通过创立网页应用于完全绕过苹果平台。Custom-made apps can cost $10,000 or more. By contrast, DIY apps are free to create, with a subscription for continued support. Prices vary, typically from about $30 to $80 a month. Magmito, an app-building service that targets small and medium businesses, has a plan that costs as little as $50 a year. AppMakr offers a free, ad-supported service.自定义的应用于成本高约10000美元或更加多。忽略,DIY应用于则可以免费创立,还可出售先前反对。


它计划着一年仅有缴纳50美元的费用。AppMakr则获取免费的带上广告服务。Small businesses and tech-savvy amateurs have been the most enthusiastic early creators of DIY apps. But they can also be a profitable business. GameSalad allows users to make 2D games for smartphones, which some choose to sell. According to Steve Felter, GameSalads boss, some developers even make a living designing apps on its platform.小企业与有卓见的科技爱好者都是早期最有热情的DIY应用于创建者。

但为这些人获取的服务也有可能是盈利的。GameSalad让用户能为智能手机制作2D游戏,其中一些人还不会销售它们。根据GameSalad经理Steve Felter的众说纷纭,一些开发者甚至在它的平台制作应用于保持生计。

The democratisation of technology is not without drawbacks. Apples App Store already has some 550,000 apps. Google offers 450,000 for download on its Android operating system. The coming deluge of apps made by amateurs will see those numbers swell.技术普及化也不是没缺点。苹果在线商店早已享有550000款应用于。谷歌也在它的安卓平台上获取450000款应用于可供iTunes。

由爱好者制作的应用于将如洪水泛滥般陷入绝境,上述数字也不会快速增长。Not all will shine. Theres a lot of garbage on YouTube. But once in a while you find a gem and everybody passes it around, says Ted Iannuzzi of Magmito. Professional app-makers may not be shaking in their boots just yet. But the clever ones, like AppMakr, are moving from creating stuff for mobile phones to creating the stuff that creates the stuff for mobile phones. App-creating software could be the machine tools of the mobile world.不有可能所有的都是精品。Magmito 的Ted Iannuzzi 说道:YouTube里有大量的垃圾作品,但是精品从被找到到被人们广泛传播也是一瞬间的事儿。专业的应用于作者还会深感有压力。




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