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华为发狠! 两年内击败苹果成为第二大手机商!|尊龙凯时网站
2024-08-15 阅读
本文摘要:Chinas Huawei Technologies wants to be the worlds second-largest maker of smartphones in two years, Richard Yu, chief executive of Huaweis consumer business group, told Reuters last Thursday.上周四,中国华为技术有限公司消费者CEO余承东在拒绝接受路透社专访时回应,两年之内,华为将不会沦为全球第二大智能手机制造商。

Chinas Huawei Technologies wants to be the worlds second-largest maker of smartphones in two years, Richard Yu, chief executive of Huaweis consumer business group, told Reuters last Thursday.上周四,中国华为技术有限公司消费者CEO余承东在拒绝接受路透社专访时回应,两年之内,华为将不会沦为全球第二大智能手机制造商。Having made its name as a builder of telecommunications networks, Huawei has been active in the consumer devices market for only a few years and is now the third-biggest smartphone maker after Apple Inc and the world leader in the $400 billion market, Samsung Electronics.华为最初只是一家电信网络设备制造商,转入消费设备市场才将近几年,华为就沦为次于三星、苹果的第三大智能手机制造商。

When we announced four years ago that we wanted to sell phones, people told us we were crazy. When we said we wanted to sell 100 million phones, they told us we were crazy, Yu said at a launch event in Munich.余承东在慕尼黑的一场发布会上回应:“四年前,我们宣告将销售手机,大家说道你们过于异想天开了。当我们说道我们将售出1亿手机时,大家还是说道你们过于异想天开了。”Huawei launched a new premium phone, which will sell for 699 euros apiece. A version developed with Porsche Design will cost 1,395 euros.日前,华为发售了新款旗舰手机Mate 9,售价699欧元;其保时捷自定义版售价则为1395欧元。

The phone has a new artificial intelligence feature: It can learn about its users habits and automatically put the most frequently used apps in easy reach.该款手机不具备人工智能的新特性,可以根据用户习惯,将常常用于的APP放到最醒目方位。Huawei was the worlds third-largest smartphone maker in the third quarter with 33.6 million shipped devices, giving it a 9 percent market share, according to research firm Strategy Analytics.根据市场研究公司Strategy Analytics发布的数据表明,第三季度华为手机出货量超过了3360万台,占有市场份额的9%,是世界第三大智能手机制造商。Apple was still well ahead with 45.5 million devices, or a 12 percent market share. Samsung was the world leader with 75.3 million shipped devices and a market share of 20.1 percent.而苹果以销售4550万台领先华为,占到市场份额的12%;三星销售7530万台,份额20.1%,依然是世界第一大手机制造商。

We are going to take them (Apple) step-by-step, innovation-by-innovation, Yu said, adding that he expected to improve Huaweis position along with technology shifts.余承东回应:“华为不会持续创意,一步一步地替代苹果的方位”。他还称之为,随着技术的变革,华为的地位不会更高。There will be more opportunities. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, he said. It is like driving a car. At every curve or turn, there is an opportunity to overtake the competition.余承东说:“市场上不会有更加多的机会,比如人工智能、虚拟现实和增强现实。

正如驾车一样,在每一个弯道的地方都有机会打破输掉。”With the new phone, dubbed Mate 9, Yu expects to make a break in European markets such as Germany, France and Great Britain. In Finland, we are already number one, he said.余承东期望通过新的发售的手机Mate 9,华为公司需要打进如德国、法国、英国等的欧洲市场。他回应:“在芬兰,我们早已是第一大手机企业了。

”With Apple struggling to come up with surprise designs and Samsung reeling from having to scrap its flagship phone, Yu said Huawei was at a tipping point.余承东指出,苹果企图拿走精彩的设计,但是面对艰难;三星则受到了其舍弃旗舰手机的影响;而华为现在早已抵达了临界点。Step-by-step we are winning the trust and loyalty of the customers. It is about trust and loyalty.他说道:“我们正在一步一步地夺得客户的信任和忠心。




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