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2024-07-15 阅读
本文摘要:Facebook has selected Meitu for its AR abilities to help it catch up in animated photography. By joining Facebook’s AR Studio as an early beta partner, Meitu will bring three AR camera effects to the Facebook camera soon, it was announced by Facebook’s director of platform partnerships, Konstantinos Papamiltiadis at RISE in Hong Kong.Facebook自由选择与美图合作,通过美图的AR技术发展其动画摄影功能。

Facebook has selected Meitu for its AR abilities to help it catch up in animated photography. By joining Facebook’s AR Studio as an early beta partner, Meitu will bring three AR camera effects to the Facebook camera soon, it was announced by Facebook’s director of platform partnerships, Konstantinos Papamiltiadis at RISE in Hong Kong.Facebook自由选择与美图合作,通过美图的AR技术发展其动画摄影功能。美图已沦为Facebook AR工作室第二大合作方,迅速就将在Facebook摄像头上重新加入三种AR特效。Facebook的合作平台总监(Konstantinos Papamiltiadis)于香港RISE科技峰会宣告了这一消息。

Facebook announced its AR Studio in April at F8 and Meitu is the first company specializing in AR facial recognition to be selected and the first company based in Asia. Xiamen-based Meitu already has its apps installed on 1.1 billion unique devices and 450m monthly active users and its tech could reach many more very soon. The China’s company also makes smartphones optimized for selfies and at TechCrunch Shenzhen announced plans to harness its users’ frequent selfie-snapping for health monitoring, picking out minute changes in users’ appearance.四月,在Facebook年度盛会F8上,Facebook宣告正式成立AR工作室,美图是AR人脸识别领域首家被顺位合作的亚洲公司。美图总部坐落于厦门,app单机加装量约11亿,月活跃用户约4.5亿,更有受众潜力极大。美图还出品以自拍居多的智能手机,并在国际创意峰会上宣告将通过用户的自拍频率研发身体健康监管功能,从用户外貌上辨识微小变化。

Facebook users will be able to use three features which utilize front or rear facing cameras—or both. As with many such filters and augmentations, you have to see the effect to understand it, but the descriptions from Meitu’s release capture the sense of the world we’re heading into.“Selfie from the Future” will, according to the release, add a “robotic eyeglass effect that transposes your face onto a heads-up display below. The rear camera effect features a touch-activated Meitu robot.”Facebook用户未来需要通过美图的三种特效用于前置摄像头和后置摄像头。要想要理解各种滤镜和图片装饰物所带给的摄制效果,还得亲身体验。美图的发布会表达的则是一种未来感觉。

“未来的自拍”将不会重新加入“机械眼镜特效,这种特效将为拍摄者拿着头部面具(heads-up display)。后置摄像头将不具备触碰启动功能,这也是美图机器人的特色之一。



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