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“尊龙凯时网站”2016年国内手机出货量突破5亿部 国产机占近九成
2024-06-05 阅读
本文摘要:Domestic brands still dominate cellphone shipments in China as Chinese cellphone makers accelerated innovation, an industrial report showed.一份产业报告表明,随着国内手机制造商减缓创意,国产品牌手机仍占有国内手机出货量的主要份额。

Domestic brands still dominate cellphone shipments in China as Chinese cellphone makers accelerated innovation, an industrial report showed.一份产业报告表明,随着国内手机制造商减缓创意,国产品牌手机仍占有国内手机出货量的主要份额。Shipments of cellphones made by Chinese companies reached 498 million in 2016, accounting for 88.9% of the countrys total shipments, according to the report from the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology.中国信息通信研究院的报告称之为,2016年国产手机出货量约4.98亿部,占到国内手机总出货量的88.9%。Total shipments of cellphones reached 560 million in 2016, up 8% year on year, the report showed.报告表明,去年国内手机总出货量为5.6亿部,同比快速增长8%。

Most of the cellphones sold in 2016 are smart phones installed with the Android system and 4G ready, according to the report.报告称之为,去年销售的手机大部分是笔记本电脑安卓系统和反对4G的智能手机。Chinese cellphone maker giant Huawei expects its smartphone shipments to grow 29 percent year-on-year to reach 139 million in 2016, compared with an estimated global average shipment growth of 0.6 percent.中国手机生产巨头华为公布了业务预期,在2016年,其智能手机发货量超过了1.39亿台,同比快速增长29%,而全球手机出货量的同比快速增长仅有为0.6%。



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