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尊龙凯时网站:这场面太牛了! 迪拜首次测试飞行出租车
2024-05-04 阅读
本文摘要:Dubai staged a test flight for what it said would soon be the worlds first drone taxi service under an ambitious plan by the United Arab Emirates city to lead the Arab world in innovation.日前,迪拜举办了一场首飞,这个就阿联酋一项雄心勃勃的计划来说,它将获取世界上第一个无人驾驶出租车服务,而该计划将引导阿拉伯世界的创意。

Dubai staged a test flight for what it said would soon be the worlds first drone taxi service under an ambitious plan by the United Arab Emirates city to lead the Arab world in innovation.日前,迪拜举办了一场首飞,这个就阿联酋一项雄心勃勃的计划来说,它将获取世界上第一个无人驾驶出租车服务,而该计划将引导阿拉伯世界的创意。The flying taxi developed by German drone firm Volocopter resembles a small, two-seater helicopter cabin topped by a wide hoop studded with 18 propellers.德国无人机制造商Volocopter研发的这款飞行中出租车,类似于一个小型的双座直升机机舱,它的顶部有一个长环,上面有18个螺旋桨。It was unmanned for its maiden test run in a ceremony arranged for Dubai Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed.在为迪拜王储谢赫·哈姆丹·本·穆罕默德举办的仪式上,这辆无人驾驶车展开了其首次测试飞行中。

Meant to fly without remote control guidance and with a maximum flight duration of 30 minutes, it comes with plenty of fail-safes in case of trouble: back-up batteries, rotors and, for a worst case scenario, a couple of parachutes.此次飞行中没遥控制导,时间最久为30分钟。在遇上故障时,它还不会有大量的故障保护措施,如可用电池、旋翼,在最坏的情况下,它还配有几个降落伞。Volocopter is in a race with more than a dozen well-funded European and U.S. firms, each with its own science fiction-inspired vision for creating a new form of urban transport that is a cross between a driverless electric car and a short-haul, vertical takeoff-and-landing aircraft.制造商Volocopter目前的竞争对手还包括十多家资金雄厚的欧洲和美国公司,他们每家公司都有自己的科学幻想,那就是建构一种新型的城市交通工具。

这种交通工具将介于无人驾驶电动汽车和短途、横向民航机飞机之间。These include aerospace giant Airbus, which aims to put a self-piloting taxi in the air by 2020; Kitty Hawk, a company backed by Google co-founder Larry Page; and Uber, which is working with partners on its own flying taxi strategy.这其中就还包括航空巨头Airbus公司,其目标就是,到2020年将一辆自动驾驶的出租车升到空中;其他得还包括由谷歌牵头创始人拉里·佩奇反对的Kitty Hawk公司,以及正在与合作伙伴就其飞行中出租车战略进行合作的Uber。Implementation would see you using your smartphone, having an app, and ordering a Volocopter to the next voloport near you. The volocopter would come and autonomously pick you up and take you to your destination, CEO Florian Reuter said.Volocopter首席执行官弗洛里安·罗伊特回应:“用户可以用智能手机上的App,以备购票一个Volocopter来接你。它不会自动来接你,并把你带回目的地。

”It already is capable of flying based on GPS tracks today, and we will implement full sense capability, also dealing with unknown obstacles on the way, he added.他补足道:“当前,它早已需要基于GPS轨迹飞行中,我们将构建几乎的感官能力,同时处置不得而知的障碍。



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